"We did not vote an individual in office who was not a citizen. This "Birther" conversation should have never been discussed in the mainstream. I believe America looked foolish to the rest of the world for entertaining this topic. If we did elect a President who is truly not a legal citizen, the Federal Government would be responsible for the negligence. -Tony Hanes, Poet.

The other day I visualized a "Birth Certificate",
but most of the words,
were covered in "blood".
"Stains" smeared signatures to the point,
where several "names" were no longer legible.
Letters disseminated into the atmosphere,
away from remains that rest on slave burial grounds.
This location is where identification was never proof,
that you were ever truly accepted,
as a legal member of this "Nation".
In the "eyes" of many,
you will never be the "Commander-in-Chief",
regardless of Sunday morning prayers,
and shared spiritual "beliefs".
I heard echoes in the night from citizens,
who argue that The President,
is not a "True American",
and that he doesn't share the same Religion.
Maybe the name "Hussein",
remind skeptics of Osama bin Laden,
because Ann Dunham,
decided to call her child Barack Obama.
From Hawaii to Harvard,
dedication towards academics,
can now be inspiration to youth of "All Colors".
Where is your Birth Certificate Sir?
Your mother,
might have misplaced these papers,
with your Grandparents who raised you.
Now they degrade you with aggressive plans,
to replace you.
A lot of people "hate" you.
We are all renting space in the United States,
where "The Natives" were so gracious.
Ships sailed from Europe, Africa and Asia,
now we have "A Constitution",
written by illegal aliens.
Your life and the life of all Americans,
is worth more than a "Birth Certificate",
or "Death Certificate".
Our past is tainted with racism and violence,
but I "stand" firm ready for War,
with my "Commander-In Chief",
with no "Vital Records" in hand,
only a "belief" in Freedom,
the equality of "MAN".
The End
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