Tuesday, November 12, 2013

“We Were Almost Unbreakable”

-A Rainbow can form after the ugliest storms. -Tony Hanes
Indeed, "We Were Almost Unbreakable",
until a "Tornado" formed,
slightly above our "foundation".

Even with a stable union,
the Twister nearly defeated all retaliation.
This sudden tragedy followed an "Earthquake",

that started to shake our lives, and communication.
Fifteen months ago,
 we came close to death from a "Landslide",
but persistence and resiliency,
 allowed us to "survive".

Indeed, "We Were Almost Unbreakable",
looking back at a "Tsunami",
that I thought was inescapable.
A few mistakes were made,
I know I damaged you.
Even with comfort through rigid "Storms",
you inflicted some pain on me "2".
Not as much as the last "Blizzard",
it almost left me with a frozen heart.
The "Avalanche" that damaged our home,
nearly tore us completely apart.
Frigid times for a "Heat wave",
we anticipated a new start.

Indeed, "We Were Almost Unbreakable",
volcanic eruptions,
pushed you to vacate the premises,

and living arrangements for a few.
Six weeks later keys battled door locks,
as a "Hurricane",

knocked down our "clocks".
You know what "time" it is again,
"Natural Disasters" are worse outside,
than a little "Precipitation" from within.
In the end,
this umbrella is strong,
because our bond as true friends.
We did "Break" a little bit,
we did struggle and "Bend".

Indeed, "We Were Almost Unbreakable",
as "Droughts" hit every now and then.
Fighting dehydration,
is what lovers face sometimes.
As we continue to thirst for each other,
the "Weather Forecast",
can be unpredictable and unkind.
Future plans can be damaged
The past we can't rewind
Present moments of "Sunshine",

make "Cloudy" moments subside.
You ride on this ship together,
and fight the waves and tide.
When "Cyclones" hit,
you tighten your "GRIP",

and preserve each other’s "Pride".

The End

@Tony Hanes Poetry 2012

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